Jama prayer

People who meet the travel requirements as required shortened prayers should pray jama.

Jama prayer means to gather the two obligatory prayers in a while. such as praying together zohor and Asr prayers, so the maghrib with the Isya, either within the first or second.

Jama prayer is divided into two

1.Jama Taqdim
2.Jama Takkhir.

Jama Taqdim

Jama Taqdim done Zohor prayer and Asr prayers at Zohor, or pray Maghrib and Isya at Maghrib. Nominated by Jama Taqdim prayers because prayer is the second time before they brought the first prayer.

Terms of Jama Taqdim

1. Advanced proprietary prayer time with the order, means done Zohor prayer and prayer Sunset calculated the first or first and then followed that with prayer Asr or Isya calculated the second prayer.

2. Jama faith in prayer the first in any prayer before greeting constituents but preferred to delay the required intent takbiratulihram.

3. muwalat (consecutive) between the two prayers is not accompanied by dissociation of the measured length in uruf.

4. Still in the Musafir from the beginning of the first prayers to complete second takbiratul pilgrimage prayers, prayers for the Jama to be void in the district between the two prayers.

  I intend to pray fard Zuhr two raka’at Qasar and Jama’ with fard Asr for Allah Ta’ala.’

 I intend to pray fard Zuhr two raka’at Qasar and Jama’ with fard Asr for Allah Ta’ala.’
After completing the first salat, perform immediately the second salat with the niyyat (example):

 ‘I intend to pray fard Asr two raka’at Qasar for Allah Ta’ala.’